Nothing moves but the money.

We’ve all heard the ramblings over the years from Wutang members about getting short changed by the RZA. Most notably Rae, Ghost and Ugod but Rza wasnt the only one holding back c.r.e.a.m. (pause).

Remember the song that Ghostface did with De La Soul? No?

Pretty good right? How did you feel about his De La Diss after not getting paid for said track? Classic!

I originally heard the songs in reverse order not knowing why Ghost was spitting so much venom. I believe Kel Dogs broke it down for me or was it Tenz?

Anyway,  this time Pretty Tony got his doe! He won his lawsuit against the Rza and got paid for back royalties. $158,255.18 at that. It sucks to hear about internal WU lawSUits, but at least they are still able to work together. Cash Rules!!

You can check out all the info and legal doccuments here.

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